Cardigan Mountain School

Through a traditional, pre-college preparatory academic program that is both challenging and supportive, along with extensive co-curricular offerings in the arts and athletics, we prepare middle school boys for success in secondary school and beyond.
Canaan, NH
Year Founded:
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Our PEAKS (Personalized Education for the Acquisition of Knowledge and Skills) Department helps each boy develop his organizational, time management and study skills. Another signature program is The Gates Invention and Innovation Program. Boys who are doing are boys who are learning and there is no better example of that idea at Cardigan than the Gates Invention & Innovation Program and Competition. Gates is a year-long class that teaches creative thinking, risk-taking, and entrepreneurial spirit while developing an appreciation for hard work and accomplishment. Beginning each fall, each student or student team is charged with designing and building a prototype of an invention that performs a practical function, makes life easier or safer, entertains, or solves an everyday problem.